Earhart and Markham

Joy Pritchard
Oct 22, 2021


She flew, fearful, West with the night,

Lived eighty three, many a day.

She flew, fearful, east was her way

and lived to forty in the light.

They were first; first women of flight.

One left from England late one day

Crashed in a bog, Cape Britain right

With no sight of land come what may.

One left Newfoundland in the light

And fifteen hours later; the next day,

came down in Ireland near the hay.

When asked, “Come far?” “Yes, over night,

from America, oh great flight!”

Next, around the world if I may!

(A Rondel Prime)

Amelia Earhart’s plane after crashing on the first around the world flight.
Beryl Markham before a flight.



Joy Pritchard

From the fringe of OutBack Australia, traveled the world, hitch-hiked Israel with the Playboy Bunny. RN,Midwife,NP, B.Ed. Lives in Alberta. Retired